Our curriculum provides students with the opportunity to master key skills related to English: reading, writing, analysis, interpretation and oracy.
English lessons at Morton Academy include the study of a variety of interesting and engaging topics which are relevant to today’s context. Our curriculum is built upon the key concepts of power and conflict which are threaded through each key stage. Students will study texts which consider the power of nature and humanity and the conflict between nature and/or humanity. By focussing on these themes and ideas, our students can develop the skills to transition effectively from KS3 to KS4, and onto a successful completion of their GSCE course, and beyond.
Students at Key Stage Three will be given the opportunity to practise and revise their literacy skills in a bespoke literacy lesson each week. We aim to provide students with useable and transferrable literacy skills that can be taken into the workplace and the wider world. We also work closely with our SEND department to provide specifically tailored support for students to ensure that all of their learning needs are met.
We also teach and promote the key skill of oracy through a tailored spoken language unit in each year group to instil in our students the confidence and skills to become successful orators. Our aim is that every student will develop confidence in the spoken word and be able to demonstrate high level communication, both for their studies and their future careers.