In January 2023, the academy has launched a new and exciting reward system consisting of ‘Honour Badges’. ‘Honour Badges’ will not be easily awarded or tokenistic, but will focus on recognising those who make a significant contribution across a range of different areas.
Pleasingly, there have been over 10,000 ‘House Points’ awarded during the Autumn Term 2022, which demonstrates the considerable efforts the majority of our students consistently make. Earning ‘Honour Badges’ will come with a degree of challenge and will be a measure of a student's tenacity, resolve and commitment. The six ‘Honour Badges’ that will be introduced have been developed to consider all of the core values of Morton Academy and to recognise a ‘Model Mortoner’ across different fields.
‘Honour Badges’ will be worn on the lapel of the blazer and there will be six to be collected. All members of staff will be leading on ways in which students can earn these through activities both within the curriculum as well as beyond the classroom. We believe that it is important that students who are truly making the most of what Morton Academy has to offer receive the recognition they deserve and know that their efforts are valued.
- Informed by Morton Merits, Weekly Stars and departmental input.
- Badges awarded for academic excellence, this could be in terms of progress, engagement etc.
- This badge supports those who are doing it right consistently, eg 100% homework and should also be considered as a way to support those who may otherwise be overlooked.
- Perhaps the most straightforward, this badge primarily serves as the equivalent of a ‘cap’.
- However, it could also be applied to those who achieve excellence or impressive progression within any sporting discipline.
- A really important badge to support our increasing profile on British Values.
- Awarded to those involved in any event which promotes any of the British Values.
- Examples include: leading a vote, student survey, student council, demonstration of respectful behaviour of note, tackling behaviour the right way, whistleblowing and seeking/accessing self-help support.
- A badge awarded when a pupil makes a contribution.
- This badge could be awarded for production of art for display, a musical performance, taking part in the school production, the creation of an online learning video (ie science experiment) etc.
- Awarded to pupils who represent the school in a positive light and are the ‘face’ of Morton.
- This may include contributions at open evenings, sports, arts, overseas trips, languages etc.
- Awarded to pupils who engage proactively in any of a range of ways.
- Examples include: proactive in the Morton Milestones, community events, international engagement (including pen pals), school development etc.